About Us

‘One Company – One Job

Manufacture, Fit & Automate

At Tarmec & Croft we are a family business with over 30 years of experience in the timber, gate manufacture and fencing industries.

We pride ourselves on the excellent reputation we have built up supplying and fitting side gates and driveway gates throughout Essex and Suffolk over the years.

We manufacture hardwood and softwood made to measure gates which we supply to many trade fencing and landscape companies as well as offering a gate fitting and gate automation service throughout Essex and Suffolk using our own in house friendly team.

From bespoke side gates up to large automated driveway gates we can offer the whole package from manufacture through to installation and automation ensuring a seamless install.

Scroll down to meet the team!

Hardwood Straight Top Driveway gates with sliding automation and matching side gate Tarmec and Croft
Bespoke Hardwood Driveway Gates Essex Tarmec and Croft 01787 224848
Sapele straight top gates with pedestrian access Tarmec and Croft (3)

Where to find us

Station Road, Earls Colne Colchester, CO6 2ER

If you want to pop in for a chat and a coffee please drop by to our site situated on Riverside Business Park in the small village of Earls Colne.

We’d love to chat with you about your needs and ideas! Give us a ring on 01787 224848 for an appointment or drop in during our opening hours: mon-fri 8.00am – 4.30pm to shop fencing and landscaping products from our well stocked yard.

Meet the Team

The small team of Tarmec and Croft Fencing and gates working including family and earls colne locals working in our workshop, on site team and in reception. All 6 staff members stood in our well stocked yard of wooden fence panels and fencing materials, wearing out tarmec and croft fencing and gates uniform

We at Tarmec and Croft Fencing and Gates are a family business, run by husband and wife Jane and Andy in their team of six in the village of Earls Colne. 

We have 3 main teams; an on site team installing your gates and fencing, our in house team who make all of our made to order wooden gates in our warehouse in Essex, who also serve our trade and retail customers offering high quality fencing materials, and our office staff answering all your calls, emails and keeping Tarmec and Croft running smoothly. 


Jane has been in the timber trade for over 25 years and sources all our high quality timber and fencing materials. 

Having opened the business with her husband Andy,  Jane will usually be the one on the end of the phone when you call up, answering our customers queries and questions. 

If you have any questions about any of our products Jane is here to show customers around our warehouse where you can see examples of some gates being made and have a look at the side gates we keep in stock. 

We stock most fencing materials but if you’re after anything special give Jane a ring and she’ll see what she can do. 

Image of the female company director of our family business in earls colne in front of our wooden trellis panels covered in white flowers. Jane is wearing her tarmec and croft fencing and gates brown uniform

Andy has been working in the landscaping industry for over 30 years. He started out working in the forestry commission, where he grew up in the New Forest. Later, he and his wife Jane founded Tarmec and Croft Fencing and Gates in Essex.

Andy will be with you on site, starting from discussing your initial project ideas during the quotation phase. He will oversee the installation process and ensure that everything runs smoothly. Even after the project is completed, Andy will be there following up with annual services and maintenance as needed.

Andy is a fully qualified CAME safe installer for electric gates, making him an expert in gate automation. He can offer advice on all aspects of your gate automation, fencing, and landscaping for whatever the need.

Andy - 2023
Dean - headshot 2023


On site team

Craig - headshot



Reece - headshot & forklift 2023



Gina - Headshot 2023


Office team