We manufacture several styles of made to measure side gates in both softwood and hardwood.
We stock standard size 6ft x 3ft (1800mm x 900mm) side gates in various styles in treated softwood for immediate collection from our workshops. but can also make any size to order.
Side entrances to properties can be filled with either one pedestrian gate, or a gate with matching infills or for wider openings we can fit a pair of gates to secure the access.
We also manufcture arch top side gates to fit brick arches.
For advice on the most suitable gate and an idea of pricing please do give us a call in the office to discuss the options on 01787 224848 or pop into our workshops and have a look.
If you are able to email or bring photos of your existing pedestrian gate or opening we can give you more tailored advice or organise a site visit to your property.
Side Gate Styles

5 Bar Gate Styles
Manufactured in hardwood or softwood in multiple styles including hooked, picket or standard. With or without a raised helve and with a solid bottom rail option up to 12' wide. We also offer wire inserts to prevent pets (or very small children) from escaping!

Side Gates
From economy featheredge clad gates up to bespoke hardwood designs we can manufacture and fit to suit any size of opening, and any style of design. You may want a bespoke side gate to match your fence design or a pedestrian entrance to match your driveway gates.

Driveway Gates
From smaller driveway gates up to large gates suitable for sliding or above ground automation in various designs. Check out our Galleries for some inspo or pop into our workshop during open hours to have a look at our example stock gates in person.

Garage Doors
Classic timber garage doors in either hardwood or softwood can be made with or without a matching frame to suit your existing garage opening.